Terms & Conditions

Quality standards

I have a MSc in Clinical Psychology earned at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. To guarantee the quality of my work, I follow the Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen (NIP) Code of Ethics for Psychologists. This means, among other things, that I visit a therapist myself, and that I continually work on maintaining and expanding my expertise by participating in training, by exchanging knowledge with other professionals and by self-study. Additionally, I regularly consult a fellow psychologist for intervision.


Private and sensitive information may be shared during treatment. I guarantee strict confidentiality. This means that any information you share during sessions and all documentation related to your treatment will be held confidential. Sharing confidential information without consent will only be justified in the following cases:

Occasionally I may need to consult with other professionals in their areas of expertise in order to provide the best treatment for you. Information about you may be shared in this context anonymously.


I advise any form of contact via email. I will always try to answer your emails within one working day. You can also send me a text or WhatsApp message, but I do not recommend using this method for anything confidential as privacy cannot be assured.


If you have any complaints about my services or actions, I warmly encourage you to speak with me directly.I'm always happy to schedule a free session to hear your concerns. You can also send a complaint in writing to info@suyannelima.com.

Another option is to send your complaint to an independent complaints officer. I work together with Klacht&Company. They will help you with your complaint. You can find more information by visiting their website or in the FAQ section.



I do not currently have contracts with insurance providers. Suyanne Lima Psychologist is a private practice which means that you will cover the sessions payments and seek for potential reimbursement yourself. You are fully responsible for the payment of the sessions yourself.


Do you have any further questions?

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Suyanne Lima Psychologist does not offer crisis counseling or emergency services. If you feel you are in crisis, call your doctor or emergency line in your country of residence. Chamber of Commerce (Kvk) number: 82476454